small garden design garden designer essex | anthea harrison | case study

Portfolio » Small » Bespoke staircase

This small garden had an unattractive concrete staircase and was poorly laid out with little patio to speak of and no access around to the front ... Read More

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The Brief

This small garden had an unattractive concrete staircase and was poorly laid out with little patio to speak of and no access around to the front of the house. The clients wanted a modern garden with more space to sit and relax.

The Solution

We designed a helical staircase in powdered coated steel with a larger landing to sit on, winding down to a larger patio. The steel grate treads allow for planting underneath the staircase and a Dicksonia Antarctica sets it off beautifully. Raised beds were included as the clients are retired, so they have easy access for some of their planting. A further seat was included at the bottom of the garden to catch the evening sun. Fargesias were used to hide the concrete under the large window.

  • Anthea Harrison Garden Design, a high-end garden designer in Essex, North London and Hertfordshire, can help create your dream garden. Click here and fill in the online form or call us today on 01279 647305 to learn more.